miércoles, 18 de enero de 2017

Comperhension Activities (page 66)

1) 🌟Explain what a website is and give three examples of one.

        A website is a series of webpages linked to each other that can be accesed from a common adresss.
  • Wikispaces
  • Popplet 
  • Pixton

2) 🌟🌟 Define the following concepts: static webpage and dynamic webpage. Explain what languages each one uses.

A static webpage is a web page that is always the same and has no change
A dynamic web page isshows different results depending on what the user does.

3)🌟 What extensión is used by the files that make up a website?

   The extension used is HTML

4) 🌟🌟Using section 1 of the "Learn" section to help you, draw a diagram to explain how a website Works.

Local site administrator: The person who mantains the website and updates and transfers the content to the server.

Filter transfer programs (FTP): Programs that connect the local computer to the server that hosts the site. This is done when necessary to replace the set of files that make up a website (which are handled by webmasters on their local computers) with the ones hosted by the server.

Remote dite hosted on the server: This allows the webmaster´s page to be viewed by other users. It must be located on the Internet server, which is usually provided by private companies.

Users: To access a website, we use a browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.), whuch connects each computer to the servers that host web pages, and downloads and displays the pages.
5) 🌟What publishing tolos does Web 2.0 have? What can we use them for?

Content creation platforms or content management systems: These can be use to creste entire websites that are easy to edit and configure. They allow collaborative work and communication. They tend to be free or low cost and they are open source.

Online and collaborative office automation: On the Interne, we can find office tools like word processors that can be used without installing them.

Wikis: Platforms that allow users to interact with each other. A wiki is a website for the discussion of different topics that can be edited by any Internet user. They include Wikipedia, which is popular all over the world.

Social networks: In social networks, each userhas a personal page where they can include their own content and communicate with other users on the same network.

Photo, audio and video hosting portals: These are websites where users can upload images, videos and audio files. Once uploaded, the files can be cataogued and organised to make searching easier.

6) 🌟 Explain how we can participate in the Internet with a wiki, an image hosting portal and a social netwok.

We could make a gallery and post photos about what you like.

7) 🌟 What is the Content management system? How is it useful for a user with no expert knowledge?

The Content Management System is a publishing tool used to generate web content. It is useful to someone with no expert knowledge because that person can publish things on the Internet easily.

8) 🌟 Which are the most popular content management systems?

The most popular content management systems are WordPress and Joomla.

9) 🌟 Summarise the content management systems that we have seen in this unit, describing the features of each.

WordPress: Although it can be used to develop any type of website, WordPress is mainly used to créate blogs. It is developed in PHP language, but it is free software and free of charge. Because of this and its ease of use, WordPress is now the most popular CMS.

Joomla: Like WordPress, this CMS is free software developed in PHP and free of charge. It is not as efficient as WordPress for creating blogs but it is very good for the design of digital magazines.

Drupal: This is developed in PHP by a community of developers. Like the others, it is free software and free of charge. It is highly recommended for websites that recibe lots of visits because it supports more traffic than WordPress. It is oriented to communities and allows the creation of multiple user porfiles with different permissions and accesses. It is vey secure.

Alfresco: In contrast to those above, this CMS is developed in Java. It is free software oriented to the business world.

10) 🌟🌟 Which HTML tags are essential in any web page?

To make an HTML web page is essential to write this basic structure:







miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017


Browser: program that connects each computer to the servers that host the web pages.
Chrome, Firefox and Explorer are three browsers known through the world.

 Content Management System:  publishing tool to generate web content.
WordPress and Joomla are two of the most popular content managment systems.

Hosting: the process used by a webmaster to make a web page available to Internet users.

 File transfer programs (FTP) connect the local computer to the server that provides the hosting.

HTML: language used to create web pages.
 HTML is written with tags inside angle brackets.
Publishing Tool: tool that allows users to créate their own content and publish it on the internet without any technical design or programming knowledge.
Wikis are a publishing tool that allows any user to edit the contents.

Server: A computer that hosts web pages and makes them available to the whole network.
A server is a very secure computer.

Source Code: HTML coding of a web page.
The full workings of a page are written into its source code.

Web 2.0: Internet concept where the users are the ones who créate and participate using their own content, images band comments.
Web 2.0 is characterised by the participation of Internet users, who are no longer mere observers of online content.

Webmaster: The person responsible for mantaining a website.
A webmaster saves the files on a server.

Website: A series of webpages linked to each other that can be accesed from a common adresss.
Wikipedia is a very popular website.